Father Earl La Riviere

Amazing Priest
by John Raczka, 1965

Memory, My Son, Memory!
by Rob Van Wagoner, 1965

True Confessions
by John Talbot, 1965

by Tom Slocumb, 1966

What an Arm!
by Mike Miller, 1966

The House Style by Nicholas Herlick, 1966

The Father I Never Had by Tony Kedzior, 1967

The Basics by Jim Underwood, 1968

The Riot by Bob Marzullo, 1968

Father Earl Tore His New Cassock by James Mullaney, 1968

The Value of Matching Shoes by Bob Marzullo, 1968

My First Latin Class by Michael Turelli, 1968

First Day of Class by Chuck Street, 1969

Fr. Earl and Country Joe by Chuck Street, 1969

Sit Down and Shut Up! by David Stubben, 1969

Making it Personal by Wayne Elder, 1969

The Briefcase by Dave Burback as told to Chuck Street, 1969

The Impact of Heavy Books by Steve Szymczak, 1970

A Canturbury Tale by Virgil Rochester

Chaplain and Friend by Karl Keating

Don't Quit by John Greenleaf Whittier

Father La Riviere, Uncle Earl by Mark La Riviere

Those who made a difference

Good News Surprise by Perry Pugno, 1966

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