Father Earl W. La Riviere

Father La Riviere hailed from the Northwest Washington area where he had a career mapped as a sailor before he became a priest. He taught for 10 years at Aquinas, principally English and Latin, filling in a few years with Geometry and Religious Studies.

Describing his teaching style is a formidable task…the Society has posted many reflections of Father La Riviere and perhaps the memories of 50 years ago might better capture his presence in their lives today:

“…I loved Father La Riviere and his course. He undoubtedly helped inspire me to become an academic. I've been a professor of genetics at UC Davis for over 41 years and aspire to bring to my students the passion for learning and understanding that Father La Riviere provided us. I still treasure my translation of Caesar's Gallic Wars with fond memories’ -Michael Turelli ’68

“…Father La Riviere was a huge influence on my life. His personality with the boys was unique to say the least. I still tell stories about him to friends and acquaintances. I remember memorizing "The Raven" and "The Rhyme of The Ancient Mariner" for his class. He showed us that the impossible could be accomplished. "TWO HOURS A NIGHT!" That was our homework command. And you did two hours because you knew the consequences if you did not do it. He was extremely intimidating. But it worked. I got to see his softer side though. [another Aquinas student] and I were locked up in Juvenile Hall for two weeks for joyriding in a stolen car. Father La Riviere came to my cell and brought the school assignments. Shakespeare. What an incredible experience learning Shakespeare in a jail cell for two weeks, I have loved Shakespeare ever since. Father La Riviere spoke kindly to me and heard my confession. I will never forget him… -John Raczka ’65

…”Speak slowly, loudly and distinctly" he blasted, then in unison slammed one palm to the [student’s] back and the other to the chest - at the same time. Not one for the timid and and quiet - an experience for a life time! That was a physical-Spiritual lesson in structure and discipline. He was the Father I never had. He thought the world of me, and saved me on my journey several times…[others] …were hell bent on destroying me, but Fr. Earl thought I was worth salvaging. I often think of this great Soul.”…-Tony Kedzior ‘67

The Society

The Father La Riviere Society brings together students, friends, colleagues, and the La Riviere family to commemorate and share the indelible mark made by teachers at Aquinas High School in San Bernardino, California, from 1959 to 1969. It’s namesake made such an impression on so many people they wanted to create a space for students to reunite in fellowship and gratitude for the special people who make a big impact in their lives. The Society also attempts to share reflections, anecdotes, and memories honoring contributions to our lives and to share with the next generation of "gentlemen, scholars, and saints.”

In 2018 four Alumni setup this website to share stories, anecdotes,and reflections of AHS and Father La Riviere’s influence on their lives. Response was overwhelming! The now much larger group proposed erecting a statue of Father La Riviere on campus, as well as plans for a Scholarship Campaign. Thanks to those advocates, Aquinas President Dr. Jim Brennan, and Father Earl’s nephew Mark La Riviere, a bronze statue now stands in the La Riviere Grotto on the Aquinas campus. And on the wall of the Grotto, near the description of Father La Riviere is a section with 80 names…mostly Aquinas Alumni from 1959-1969 who’s lives were markedly impacted by this one teacher.

Later the idea of also annually honoring a teacher for Teaching Excellence became a third goal for the “LRS Society.”

The La Riviere Society (LRS) serves as an established voluntary subgroup of the Aquinas Alumni Association under the ongoing approval of the Aquinas High School President.

One of the main purposes of the LRS Society is to pay forward with annual scholarships. Specific allocations and number of scholarships will be announced annually before the Scholars Selection Committee puts the call out for La Riviere Scholar application essays. The La Riviere Society will present an Annual LRS Report to the Aquinas President and Alumni association by July 1 each year.

Learn More
Please learn more about La Riviere Society Scholarships and how you can participate and contribute.